Organic Soybeans
Product Info
Our organic clear-hilum soybeans are perfect for boiling up and using in grain salads and soups. Or you can use them to make soymilk, tofu, miso, and tempeh.
But first, just try some plain boiled soybeans. They are amazingly delicious and packed with nutrition including protein, omega-3s, fiber, and iron. You can cook soybeans as you would pretty much any dry bean, although they take a bit longer.Then add a handful of cooked soybeans to your salad, soup or stew. Or put them in the food processor with garlic, lemon, cumin and olive oil for a tasty hummus.
Soybeans are an important part of the organic crop rotation on Janie's Farm, providing nitrogen for the next season’s crops. Our soybeans are nutritional powerhouses that contain all essential amino acids, making them an excellent source of protein.
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We are proud to have these three 3rd-party certification seals on every single product that comes out of Janie’s Mill. They show you that an independent organization has determined that our products comply with specific requirements for safety, quality, and provenance. You can then enjoy Janie’s Mill products in full confidence that they are organic, kosher, wholesome, and delicious!