Organic Buckwheat Flour from Whole Groats
Product Info
We stone mill the entire buckwheat groat, including the hull, so our organic buckwheat flour is darker than that from de-hulled buckwheat. It’s also more nutritious and contains more fiber!
In the U.S., buckwheat is most often used for pancakes, but it can also be added to many yeast and quick breads, muffins, and cookies. In Asia, the most common use for buckwheat flour is to make noodles, including the famous Japanese soba noodles.
Scroll down this page for some of our favorite buckwheat recipes.
*NOTE: Although buckwheat is naturally gluten-free, Janie's Mill is NOT a certified gluten-free facility so there may be traces of gluten in our non-wheat products.
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Certifications You Can Trust
We are proud to have these three 3rd-party certification seals on every single product that comes out of Janie’s Mill. They show you that an independent organization has determined that our products comply with specific requirements for safety, quality, and provenance. You can then enjoy Janie’s Mill products in full confidence that they are organic, kosher, wholesome, and delicious!